My children are actually fed up of being painted now, I say to the older one's "It's my time to get you back for drawing on my walls when you were babies" They really wasn't impressed with that comment as you can imagine, lol. But they do let me paint them, dear of them!
Just like any craft face painting is really relaxing and fun. I class it as a therapy!! Here's some piccies hope you enjoy!
You shouldn't paint under 3's but this is my baby so it's different lol.
Oh my, bad painting, but fun walking down the road with my children trick or treating like this.
Lovely Christmas one.
Shark, all children love the face painting using the mouth. Dinosaur is a good one for this.
I love how this one turned out. My Daughter loved it!
I really enjoyed painting this one. Devil/Skeleton.
Half Spiderman. My Son really looks happy, lol.
Tiger on myself. It's very hard to paint yourself, but when you have no-pne to paint then you have no choice, lol..
Thank you for stopping by xx